===== We had to secure this site from being spammed, You need to login as a User with permissions to create/edit/delete topics now. Unregistered visitors can only read the content. Please contact: uwe[add]fle-go.com and i will send this User Login Information to you ===== ==== After your successful login you can contribute in 3 easy steps ==== ====== 1. Add a new topic ====== * If you want to attach a **new** topic. Go to the list of topics on the [[start|]] page and click on EDIT (the pencil icon on the right). See the correct syntax from the other topics already listet. * After you saved the [[start]] page, your new topic will appear in **RED**. This means, the topic is NOT active yet (no content). ==== 2. Add a page to your topic ==== * Now click on your new (still RED) topic name. A new windows appears and you can edit (the pencil) * Give the page a Headline (#3) and Copy/Paste or type your informations. After saving, you created the new page. * The link on the [[start]] page now changes to GREEN, which means, your new page is active yet. It is already visible on the SiteMap, but not in the [[sidebar]] yet. see next step. * You can also edit any of the already EXISTING pages and fill them with life. ===== 3. Publish/attach your new topic to the sidebar ===== Go to the [[sidebar|]] page, click on EDIT (the pencil again) and **ADD** the link to your topic from the start page by using the **Internal Link** button on top of the edit window. Save and see ... {{:img_2525.jpeg?400|}} ==== Upload Doc's ==== At any time you can also UPLOAD any type of document, like PDF, TXT ..., as also Pictures or whatever you need. Therefor use the Media Manager (under Site Tools). Now you can link your upload to your page. Have fun