As a point of reference - I have received over 24 packages from the MG Courier service in Puerto with absolutely no problems. ==== Send goods from Amazon & Co ==== * Hotbox * RednBlue * HotExpress-Office Located in Puerto. You can choose an option that suits your needs monthly from $15 for 10 pounds to $50 for 65 pounds. Be aware they do use volumetric pricing, so if your item is large, you will be using more of your pound allowance. Also each package has a surcharge of $2.95. Liquids, lithium batteries, anything labeled hazardous will come by boat with an additional charge(s). * MG-Office in Puerto next to bus station, flat $2.50/lb. Folks are nice but I had 2 of 4 packages lost in space. * Paletts/Containers Pros/cons/prices/delivery times/process Basically all services provide the same thing. For a certain amount of money, you will get an adress usually from a warehouse in Miami and a customer number. This is now your delivery address for all goods, wherever you order online from the states, Shipping cost can be per pound, size or a combination of both. Get an estimate or regulations from any of the freight forwarders and pick the best for your needs. Once the shipment arrived in Miami, it's usually a matter of days to be available at the pickup office of your favorite company. Some have only an office in David or Bugaba, some also in Puerto directly. Whatever fits for you best ...