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Pay your ATTT (Police/Speeding) tickets online
Go to the website:
This menu appears on the next site:
- “Tipo de documento”: Here you choose Cedula or Passport, depending on the number connected to your drivers license.
- “Numero de documento”: Type in your Cedula or Passport number.
- “Seleccione el estado de su licencia”: Is asking if you have your drivers license in hand. Answer “Si tengo mi licencia en mano”
- Type in the control number of your drivers license. It's the 9 digit number printed portrait on the front side of your license on the very right side.
- Type in or copy the number from the mail and ENTER.
The system starts searching for any open tickets you might have connected to this given data.
Once it finds one or more, you can choose which ones you like to pay, and leads you to the online payment site. Here you can pay with your credit card.
After the payment succesfully went through, you will get a confirmation eMail with all the details to your ticket and that it's already payed.
REMINDER: Any unpaid tickets will lead into an issue when you try to renew your yearly license for the car (Revisado). NO open tickets allowed in order to complete the process!!